The Stratakis Lab

The Stratakis Lab

Ultrafast Laser Micro and Nano Processing Laboratory

Modelling of Ultrafast Laser Processing of Materials

Ultrafast Laser​​ Processing Modelling





  • Physical modelling of multiscale processes

  • Investigation of surface modification mechanisms in​​ (sub)-ablation and sub-melting conditions in various types of materials (i.e. semiconductors, metals, dielectrics),​​ 

  • Interpretation of mechanisms that account for Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures​​ (LIPSS),​​ 

  • Exploration of carrier dynamics in multilayered materials,​​ 

  • Role of non-thermal electrons​​ and out-of-equilibrium excited carriers​​ 

  • Density Functional Theory (DFT)-based calculations of optical properties, excitation conditions, relaxation processes

  • ​​ Strain propagation​​ and​​ surface modification at different laser polarization states,​​ 

  • Ultrafast dynamics at mid-IR,​​ 

  • Modelling Patterning processes through Direct Laser Interference techniques,

  • Machine learning based approaches,

  • Role of electromagnetic modes in LIPSS formation.



  • Surface modification:​​ A desirable effect in the laser-mater processing applications is to control and influence the morphology of the material surface by regulating the way of energy delivery from the laser into the various degrees of freedom of the system. Femtosecond pulsed laser interaction with matter triggers a variety of timescale-dependent processes, influenced by the fluence and pulse duration. A​​ multiscale​​ theoretical investigation is pursued to describe the physical fundamentals and mechanisms that account for the associated experimental observations after single and multiple-pulse ultrashort pulse irradiation and provide a systematic and controllable way of linking the observed surface modification with the applied conditions​​ [1,2,3].


Although surface patterning has been previously investigated upon irradiation with ultrashort pulses in ablation conditions, physics fundamentals of surface modification and a novel surface patterning mechanism for ultrashort pulses have never been addressed in conditions near evaporation (sub-ablation). More specifically, we suggested a new physical mechanism that governs surface patterning formation (i.e. ripples) based on a combination of interference effects (and development of surface plasmon waves) coupled with hydrodynamics capillary induced effects and the dynamics of​​ a superheated liquid layer. The ripple periodicity and morphological changes appear to agree satisfactorily with experimental observations. The model has been revised to allow the description of​​ supra-wavelength structures (grooves) that result from the formation of hydrothermal convection rolls (Fig.1,2).​​ Experimental results supported with theoretical simulations of the underlying physical processes manifest the universality of the mechanisms regardless of the type of the material (Fig.1).​​ 


all materials

Figure 1: SEM picture,​​ and​​ Simulation results.





Figure 2: (a) hydrothermal waves, (b) convection rolls​​ 



  • Surface modification​​ for complex polarization states:​​ An extension of the model has been performed to explore​​ the role of laser​​ polarization. More specifically, radial and azimuthal polarisation were​​ considered to elaborate on the effect on the ripple​​ periodicity​​ in various materials​​ (Fig.3​​ shows subwavelength structure formation in fused silica)​​ [4,5].​​ 




Figure​​ 3: Rippled profile with a radially (a,c)​​ and azimuthally​​ (b,d)​​ polarized​​ beam​​ 



  • Tailoring​​ Sub-micrometer Periodic Surface​​ patterning​​ via Ultrashort Pulsed Direct Laser Interference​​ Patterning​​ (DLIP):​​ 


Direct laser Interference Patterning (DLIP) with ultrashort laser pulses (ULP) represents a precise and fast technique to produce tailored periodic sub-micrometer structures on various materials. An experimental and theoretical approach is​​ pursued​​ to investigate the previously unexplored fundamental mechanisms for the formation of unprecedented laser-induced topographies on stainless steel following proper combinations of DLIP with ULP​​ (Figure 4). Special emphasis is given to electron excitation, relaxation processes and hydrodynamical effects that are crucial to the production of complex morphologies. Results are expected to derive new knowledge of laser-matter interaction in combined DLIP and ULP conditions and enable enhanced fabrication capabilities of complex hierarchical sub-micrometer sized structures for a variety of applications.​​ In addition to reveal the impact of the laser beams used and their polarization, two beams are used, one Gaussian and another two- (or four-) beam DLIP of varying polarization (vertical or horizontal). Results indicate that the​​ aforementioned parameters as well as the sequence order of the two pulses play a very important role in the attained topography​​ [6,7].​​ 



Figure​​ 4:​​ Patterned profile based on DLIP technique with a two (A) and four (B) laser DLIP beam. Patterned surface is illustrated for single or two delayed pulses. Experimental results are interpreted through simulations.


Figure​​ 5:​​ Patterned profile based on a combination of two delayed (one Gaussian beam and one four beam DLIP) pulses. Experimental results are interpreted through simulations.



  • Out-of-equilibrium electron dynamics​​ and impact to mechanical effects:​​ The​​ significant influence of the contribution of​​ the​​ dynamics of produced nonthermalised​​ electrons to electron thermalisation and electron-phonon interaction is​​ also​​ thoroughly investigated within a range of values of the pulse duration. The consideration of the​​ role of the nonthermal electrons in the thermalisation of the lattice​​ leads to​​ thermomechanical​​ changes compared to the results the traditional Two Temperature Model (TTM) provides​​ (Fig.6)​​ [8].





Figure​​ 6:​​ (a)​​ Electronic and lattice temperature profile using the classical TTM and revised TTM, (b) Spatial strain profile simulated TTM and rTTM.



  • Out-of-equilibrium electron dynamics: a unification of a DFT approach+ TTM model:​​ To highlight the role of out-of-equilibrium processes for very short pulses a coupling of results​​ from DFTcalculations​​ (evaluation of optical properties)​​ and the classical TTM has been performed to assess the influence of nonthermal electrons in surface damage​​ in 6H-SiC (Fig.​​ 7)​​ [9].​​ 





​​ Figure​​ 7:​​ (a)​​ Reflectivity as a function of the photon energy through DFT calculations, (b) coupling of DFT calculations with TTM to compute carrier density evolution for 6H-SiC.




  • Ultrafast dynamics and surface modification related effects for mid-IR femtosecond pulses:​​ A detailed theoretical framework was​​ also​​ presented​​ to​​ describes both the ultrafast dynamics​​ and thermal​​ response​​ following irradiation of Silicon​​ [10]/fused silica​​ [11]​​ with ultrashort pulsed lasers in the mid-IR range​​ (Fig.8,9). Results​​ for Silicon​​ demonstrated that the Kerr effect is important at lower wavelengths (~2.2 μm)​​ while​​ it leads to substantially large deviations to the maximum lattice temperature reached that it affects​​ the damage threshold.​​ A systematic analysis of the Surface​​ Plasmon​​ dispersion relation for mid-IR revealed that irradiation in the mid-IR region yielded SP that are weakly confined on the surface, exhibit longer lifetimes, and propagate on larger areas. These features can be potentially exploited to promote mid-IR-based technology to produce sensors, detectors or to present new capabilities in laser-based manufacturing.





Figure​​ 8:​​ Irradiation of Silicon with mid-IR femtosecond pulses​​ 


A multiscale modelling approach is performed that correlates conditions for formation of perpendicular or parallel to the laser polarisation low spatial frequency periodic surface structures for low and high intensity mid-IR pulses (not previously explored in dielectrics at those wavelengths), respectively. Results demonstrate a remarkable domination of tunneling effects in the photoionisation rate and a strong influence of impact ionisation for long laser wavelengths. The methodology presented in this work is aimed to shed light on the fundamental mechanisms in a previously unexplored spectral area and allow a systematic novel surface engineering with strong mid-IR fields for advanced industrial laser applications.








Figure​​ 9:​​ Irradiation of Fused SilIica with mid-IR femtosecond pulses​​ 



  • Machine learning-based​​ approaches:​​ Recently, a new activity has been​​ initiated in which machine learning based approaches and predictive modelling are followed to reduce the number of simulated and real experiments​​ towards determining the laser parameters required to pattern surfaces with morphological features (i.e. ripples, grooves, spikes) required to provide desired functionalities an properties (i.e. antireflective, antifouling, antimicrobial, wetting, etc.)​​ (Fig.10).​​ Simulated data based on physics modelling (Fig.9a) and experimental data (Fig.10b)​​ were used to​​ automate and forecast the effect of laser processing on material​​ structures. The focus is centered on the performance of representative statistical and machine learning algorithms in predicting the outcome​​ of laser processing on a range of materials. Results on experimental data showed that predictive models were able to satisfactorily learn the​​ mapping between the laser’s input variables and the observed material structure. These results are further integrated with simulation data​​ aiming to elucidate the multiscale physical processes upon laser–material interaction. As a consequence,​​ we augmented the adjusted simulated data to the experiment and substantially improved the predictive performance due to the availability of an increased number of sampling points. In parallel, an information-theoretic metric, which identifies and quantifies the regions with high predictive uncertainty, is presented, revealing that high uncertainty occurs around the transition boundaries. Our results can set the​​ basis for a systematic methodology toward reducing material design, testing, and production cost via the replacement of expensive trial-and-error based manufacturing procedures with a precise pre-fabrication predictive tool​​ [12].​​ 














Figure​​ 10:​​ (a) Simulated data based on physics modelling, (b) experimental data, (c-d) Machine learning​​ based approaches results.​​ Stainless steel is used as a test material.



  • Prepatterned surfaces:​​ The efficiency of light coupling to surface plasmon polariton (SPP) represents a very important issue in plasmonics and laser fabrication of topographies in various solids. To illustrate the role of pre-patterrned surfaces and impact of laser polsarisation in the excitation of electromagnetic modes and periodic pattern formation, Nickel surfaces are irradiated with femtosecond laser pulses of polarisation perpendicular or parallel to the orientation of the pre-pattern ridges. Experimental results indicate that for polarisation parallel to the ridges, laser induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) are formed perpendicularly to the pre-pattern with a frequency that is independent of the distance between the ridges and periodicities close to the wavelength of the excited SPP.​​ These results are also predicted from simulations (Fig.11).​​ By contrast, for polarisation perpendicular to the pre-pattern, the periodicities of the LIPSS are closely correlated to the distance between the ridges for pre-pattern distance larger​​ than the laser wavelength. The experimental observations are​​ also​​ interpreted through a multi-scale physical model in which the impact of the interference of the electromagnetic modes is revealed​​ (Figure 12).







Figure 11​​ . Topography following irradiation of Nickel with fifteen laser pulses at 1026 nm (a)​​ Upper view, (b) Side view.Polarisation is along the Y-axis.





Figure 12: . Spatial profile of the energy distribution for one, two, three pulses. The fourth figure illustrates the final topography (side view)



The pre-pattern periods and wavelengths studied here are (a-d) Λ=700nm with λ=513nm, (e-h) Λ=1400nm with λ=513nm, (i-l) Λ=1300nm with λ=1026nm, (m-p) Λ=1900nm with λ=1026nm. As seen from the above pre-pattern configurations, for Λ nearly as twice as the laser wavelength in (d-h) and (m-p), the electromagnetic intensity is accumulated on four locations within the pre-pattern valley. Electromagnetic modes restricted between the pre-pattern ridges produce temperature elevations and production of melt while the temperature gradients induce movement of the melting. Thus two hills emerge inside the pre-pattern valley with periodicity ~Λ/4 apart. Similarly for Λ comparable to the laser wavelength (a-d) and (i-l) the electromagnetic energy is accumulated on two regions within the pre-pattern valley which in turn melt material movement and re-solidification produce one hill in the middle of the valley forming Λ/2 periodicity. For Λ periodicities nearly less than the laser wavelength.​​ The above numerical results confirm the LIPSS periodicity dependence on then pre-pattern period in good agreement with experimental results.


  • Damage threshold evaluation and optical parameters in thin films:​​ The employment of femtosecond pulsed lasers has received significant attention due to its capability to facilitate fabrication of precise patterns at the micro- and nano- lengths scales. A key issue for efficient material processing is the accurate determination of the damage threshold that is associated with the laser peak fluence at which minimal​​ damage occurs on the surface of the irradiated solid. Despite a wealth of previous reports that focused on the evaluation of the laser conditions that lead to the onset of damage, the investigation of both the optical and thermal response of thin films of sizes comparable to the optical penetration depth is still an unexplored area. In this report, a detailed theoretical analysis of the impact of various parameters such as the photon energies and material thickness on the damage threshold for​​ various​​ metals (Au, Ag, Cu, Al, Ni, Ti, Cr, Stainless Steel) is investigated​​ (Figure 13). A multiscale physical model is used that correlates the energy absorption, electron excitation, relaxation processes and minimal surface modification which leads to the onset of material damage. The satisfactory agreement of the theoretical model with some experimental results indicates that the damage threshold evaluation method could represent a systematic approach towards designing efficient laser-based fabrication systems and optimizing the processing outcome for various applications [13].










Figure​​ 13: Reflectivity (left​​ column), Absorbance (middle​​ column) and damage threshold evaluation (right​​ column) following irradiation of Al, Ni, Cr with fs laser pulses of two different photon energies (λL=515 nm and​​ λL=1026 nm).



j.​​ The synergy of electromagnetic effects and thermophysical properties of metals in the formation of laser induced periodic surface structures:​​ Femtosecond pulsed lasers have been widely used over the past decades for precise materials structuring at the micro- and nano- scales. In order, though, to realize efficient material processing and account for the formation of laser induced periodic surfaces structures (LIPSS), it is very important to understand the fundamental laser-matter interaction processes. Significant contribution to the LIPSS profile appears to originate both from the electromagnetic fingerprint of the laser source and the thermal response of the material. In this work, we follow a systematic, step-by-step approach to predict the formation of LIPSS on metals due to the development of a spatially periodic energy deposition that results from the interference of electromagnetic far fields on a non-flat surface profile. We also demonstrate that the electromagnetic effects, alone, are not sufficient to allow the LIPSS formation, therefore, we emphasize on the crucial role of electron diffusion and electron-phonon coupling on the formation of stable periodic structures. Gold and stainless Steel are considered as two materials to test the theoretical model while simulation results appear to confirm the experimental results that, unlike gold, fabrication of pronounced LIPSS on stainless Steel is feasible (Figure 14) [14].


Figure 14:​​ Absorbed energy distributions on the transverse plane for Au (a) and SS (b) surfaces. (c), (d) illustrate the Fourier transform of (a), (b), respectively. The​​ green​​ circles represent the boundary of​​ |k|=k0​​ where​​ ​​ stands for the wave-vector of light propagation in air (double headed arrow indicates laser polarization direction). (e) and (f) illustrate normalized​​ Z-component of the electric field at the propagation plane​​ XZ.​​ (double-headed arrows indicates laser polarization direction). In this cross section, two nano-holes are located at positions​​ X=-2540 nm and​​ X=1630 nm. The​​ white​​ line represents the air-metal interface.





Project Members




  • Dr George.D.Tsibidis (Modelling of laser-matter Interactions)

  • Dr Panos Lingos (Electromagnetic Simulations)

  • Dr Leonidas Mouchliadis (Density Functional Theory calculations)

  • Maria-Christina.Velli (Modelling of laser-matter Interactions+Machine learning-based approaches)




  • Dr Fotis Fraggelakis (Experiment)

  • Dr Stella Maragkaki (Experiment)

  • Dr Ioanna Sakelari (Experiment)

  • Dr Dimitris Mansour (Experiment)

  • Matina Vlahou (Experiment)

  • Dr Emmanuel Stratakis (Experiment-Group Leader)​​ 




Representative publications


  • Tsibidis G.D., Barberoglou M., Loukakos P.A., Stratakis E., and Fotakis C. (2012) ‘Dynamics of ripple formation on silicon surfaces by ultrashort laser pulses in subablation conditions’,​​ Physical Review B, 86, 115316.​​ 




  • Tsibidis G.D., Skoulas E., and Stratakis E. (2015) “Ripple formation on Nickel irradiated with radially polarized femtosecond beams’,​​ Optics Letters, 40 (22), 5172.


  • Papadopoulos A., Skoulas E., Tsibidis G.D, and Emmanuel Stratakis E., ‘Formation of periodic surface structures on dielectrics after irradiation with laser beams of spatially variant polarisation: a comparative study’,​​ Applied Physics A​​ 124, 146​​ (2018).


  • Fraggelakis F.,​​ Tsibidis G.D.,​​ Stratakis E.,​​ ‘Tailoring Sub-micrometer Periodic Surface Structures via Ultrashort Pulsed Direct Laser Interference Patterning’,​​ Physical Review B​​ 103, 054105 (2021).

  • Fraggelakis F.,​​ Tsibidis G.D.,​​ Stratakis​​ E.,​​ ‘Ultrashort pulsed laser induced complex surface structures generated by tailoring the melt hydrodynamics’,​​ Opto-Electronic Advances,​​ 5​​ 210052 (2022), ​​ (Front Cover of Issue).


  • Tsibidis G.D. (2018), ‘Ultrafast dynamics of non-equilibrium electrons and strain generation under femtosecond laser irradiation of Nickel’,​​ Applied Physics A, 124,311.


  • Mouchliadis L., Pedio M., Stratakis E., ‘Modelling ultrafast out-of-equilibrium carrier dynamics and relaxation processes upon irradiation of hexagonal Silicon-Carbide with​​ Tsibidis G.D.,​​ femtosecond laser pulses’,​​ Physical Review B​​ 101, 075207 (2020).


  • Petrakakis E.,​​ Tsibidis G.D.,​​ and Stratakis E., ‘Modelling of the ultrafast dynamics and surface plasmon properties of silicon upon irradiation with mid-IR femtosecond laser pulses’,​​ Physical Review B​​ 99, 195201 (2019).




