Alexandros Stamatakis
Alexandros Stamatakis is an MSc candidate at the “Nanotechnology for Energy Applications” program of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (Heraklion, Greece). He received his bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from the Department of Environmental Engineering of the University of Patras in 2019. During his studies, he managed to be the valedictorian and get the degree honor of rank 1 student of his year. In the frame of the undergraduate studies, he joined the Laboratory of Environmental Systems of the University of Patras for his diploma thesis, entitled “Hybrid Reactor Landfill Leachate Treatment”, focusing on the removal of heavy metals, ammonium and COD. The results of his research work were presented at the 5th Workshop of Graduates & Post-Docs in Chemical Engineering Sciences that took place in Patras, in 2019.
In 2020, he joined the Ultrafast Laser Micro- and Nano- Processing Laboratory of IESL-FORTH for his master thesis where he trained in Laser Material Synthesis. His research is mainly focused in Pulsed Laser Deposition for the fabrication of TiO2 thin films and Laser Ablation synthesized Carbon-Iron structures for Water Purification.