Eleftheria Babaliari
Dr. Eleftheria Babaliari is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the
Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH), Institute of
Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL). She received a Bachelor’s, a
Master’s and a Ph.D.’s Degree in Materials Science and Technology from
the University of Crete, Greece in 2012, 2015 and 2020, respectively.
During the undergraduate program, she joined the Polymer Group of the
IESL, FORTH where she worked on the rheology of hard spheres colloidal
suspensions and binary mixtures. Ιn the master’s degree program, she
joined the Biomaterials Lab of the Department of Materials Science and
Technology in Crete where she studied the effect of microfluidics in
biomaterials for bone tissue engineering applications. During her
Ph.D., she joined in 2015 the Ultrafast Laser Micro and Nano
Processing Group of the IESL, FORTH performing research on the laser
microstructured scaffolds for tissue engineering under dynamic cell
culture conditions. Her current research interests include the
development of laser-microstructured scaffolds for tissue engineering
applications, using ultrafast laser structuring, and the study of the
combined effect of flow-induced shear stress and surface topography on
tissue growth.
- ebabaliari@iesl.forth.gr
- +30-2810-391323