Stella Maragkaki
Dr. Stella Maragkaki is a postdoctoral researcher at IESL-FORTH. She received a BSc and MSc in Physics from the University of Crete, Greece in 2010 and 2012 respectively. During the undergraduate programme, she joined the Institute of Electronics Structure and Laser (IESL) in FORTH, where she investigated the laser ablation mechanisms on biopolymers, under the supervision of Prof. C. Fotakis. In the graduate programme she continued her research in IESL with her thesis entitled “Development of an optical parametric amplifier and prospects for application in nanosurgery”. In 2018 she graduated with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the Chair of Applied Laser Technologies, in Ruhr-University of Bochum in Germany. During her PhD, she studied the formation of periodic surface micro/nanostructures upon ultrashort laser pulse irradiation and their underlying physical mechanisms. In 2018, she joined the Ultrafast Laser Micro and Nano Processing group of the IESL, FORTH. Her current research interests include ultrafast laser micro/nano processing and functionalization of material surfaces.
- marag@iesl.forth.gr
- 2811 39 2943